As found in our medical disclaimer, Qualia should not be taken by women who are pregnant or nursing.
Medical Disclaimer:
This product contains chemicals that should not be taken by people on MAO inhibitors, SSRIs, or any other psychiatric medicines.
It should not be taken by people with psychiatric or neurologic disorders, high blood pressure, cancer, or people on immunosuppressive therapy.
It should not be taken by pregnant or nursing mothers, or children under 18.
If any undesired side effects are noticed, it should be discontinued immediately, and proper medical help sought if needed.
No claims are made about the safety of this product, nor are any medical or psychological benefits claimed.
Consult with your physician before taking any new supplements.
Please review our terms and conditions and privacy policy for additional information.
Did you drink alcohol with Qualia or mix it with other drugs?
Because of the GABAergic effects of alcohol mixed with Qualia, a small percentage of people could experience feeling a little spacey or trippy. Some users may also experience heightened effects of alcohol, such as feeling inebriated quicker, when taking Qualia. For these reasons, we don’t recommend taking Qualia within 24 hours of alcohol consumption.
Parkinsons, Multiple Sclerosis, and Alzheimers are all very different conditions and those with these or any other neuro-degenerative conditions are contraindicated. To date, we have not done any clinical trials pairing Qualia with neurological conditions, and as such, have no data to share regarding its potential impact.
If stomach upset occurs when taking the product on an empty stomach, take with a meal instead.
Optimal dosage can vary based on body weight and sensitivity.
If you are particularly sensitive to having heart rate increase because you have a heart condition or tachycardia, Qualia might be contraindicated. Please refer to our medical disclaimer and consult with your doctor.
If it’s only mildly elevated, stop use for a day or two, and try again at a lower dose, if you like.
Minimal alcohol consumption, such as a glass of red wine in the evening, is generally well tolerated. Please note, however, that taking with heavy alcohol consumption is not recommended.
A small percentage of people have reported muscle tightness or soreness, particularly in the neck, shoulders or jaw. Some of those people may also report some sense of pressure in the head. This is most likely the result of choline sensitivity. People have various tolerances for choline and various choline sensitivities.
The number one reason people may not feel the effects is lack of or poor sleep. Qualia works along the same pathways in the brain that move your memories from short to long term storage when you are in deep sleep.
If those pathways are blocked or unavailable due to lack of or poor sleep, you will not feel Qualia working.
Though not common, a small percentage of people who have taken Qualia have noticed some increased level of anxiety when initially taken. Typically these are people who also notice an increased level of anxiety from caffeine related sources.
As you get started with Qualia you will feel more energy, motivation and drive but may also experience other feelings around your emotions.