Gynostemma pentaphyllum

Common Name

Gynostemma | Southern Ginseng | Jiaogulan

Top Benefits of Gynostemma pentaphyllum

Supports healthy weight*

Supports metabolism*

Supports exercise performance*

Supports mitochondrial structure and function*

Supports cellular responses and antioxidant defenses*

Supports brain health*

Support cardiovascular health*

Supports kidney health*

Supports liver health*

Supports gastrointestinal health*

Supports healthy gut microbiota*

What is Gynostemma pentaphyllum?

Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Southern Ginseng) is an herb given Ginseng status although not related to Panax Ginseng. Until recently it was a locally-known herb used primarily in mountainous regions of southern China and in northern Vietnam. It is described by the local inhabitants as the "immortality herb,” because people within Guizhou Province, where jiaogulan herbal teas are consumed regularly, are said to have a history of unusual longevity.*


Qualia Gynostemma pentaphyllum Sourcing

A Gynostemma pentaphyllum extract was selected to be standardized to contain 98% gypenosides.

We opted for a standardized extract for two reasons. Gypenosides are thought to be responsible for much of this herb’s functional benefits. And they have been the primary focus of the majority of the research on this plant.

Studies of this extract suggest it supports cellular and metabolic adaptations similar to what might be expected with exercise. *

Gynostemma pentaphyllum Dosing Principles and Rationale

We consider Gynostemma pentaphyllum to be an herbal adaptogen, which would follow hormetic dosing principles (see Neurohacker Dosing Principles). It contains a category of triterpenoid saponin compounds called gypenosides. These share many structural and functional similarities with the ginsenoside compounds found in well-known ginseng adaptogens. We’d expect this extract to produce an additive or complementary response when combined with other polyphenol ingredients, based on existing experimental evidence. The dose we’ve selected is within the hormetic range, a dose range we expect will produce positive adaptive responses over time.*

Gynostemma pentaphyllum Key Mechanisms 

Supports mitochondrial function and structure*

Supports mitochondrial membrane integrity [1]

Promotes ATP production/output [1]

Supports mitochondrial complex I-V performance [1]

Supports citric acid cycle function — upregulates citrate synthase [1]

Supports mitochondrial β-oxidation [2]

Supports healthy mitochondrial function and structureb [3]

Supports signaling pathways*

Supports AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling [2,4]

Influences mTOR signaling [5]

Supports peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα) [6–9]

Promotes exercise performance*

Supports endurance performance [10]

Supports healthy lactic acid production [10]

Supports oxygen supply to tissues by hemoglobin [10]

Supports glucose uptake in muscle cells (in vitro) [2]

Supports healthy metabolic function*

Supports healthy insulin sensitivity [11–16]

Supports healthy blood glucose levels [11,17]

Supports metabolic homeostasis (activates AMPK, an energy sensor and metabolic regulator) [2,4]

Promotes healthy body weight* 

Supports β-oxidation (fatty acid metabolism) [2]

Supports healthy adipogenesis - influences peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) [2]

Supports healthy body weight [2,18]

Supports healthy blood/liver lipid levels [2,8,17]

Supports healthy abdominal/visceral fat levels [18]

Supports brown adipose tissue production [16]

Supports antioxidant defenses*

Supports antioxidant enzyme levels [1,8,19–21]

Replenishes glutathione (GSH) levels [20–22]

Supports cellular signaling*

Supports healthy immune signaling [6,23]

Supports brain function*

Supports cognitive function [19,24]

Supports healthy mood and stress resistance (adaptogenic effect) [25]

Counters neuronal oxidative stress [19–22]

Supports neuroprotective functions [3,20–22,26]

Supports brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression [24]

Supports general health and wellbeing* 

Supports healthy cardiac function [1,27]

Supports healthy vascular function [7,28]

Supports healthy liver structure and function [8,29,30]

Supports healthy kidney structure and function [31,32]

Supports healthy gastrointestinal structure and function [32,33]

Supports a healthy gut microbiota*

Supports a healthy composition of the gut microbiota [16,34,35]

Supports healthy gut barrier function [34]

Supports healthy gut immune signaling [34]

Complementary ingredients*

Grape seed extract for insulin sensitivity [15]

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.


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