Hawthorn Leaf and Flower Extract


Hawthorn | Quickthorn | Thornapple | May-tree | Whitethorn | Hawberry


Supports cardiovascular health*

Supports mental well-being*

Supports a calm mood*


The leaf and flowers of Hawthorn— Crataegus sp. such as C. monogyna and C. oxyacantha —was a heart tonic (i.e., something intended to make the heart function more efficiently) and used as support for an aging heart in European herbal traditions. Other traditional uses include when extra support was desired for stress, nervousness, mental well-being and sleep. Interesting aspects of hawthorn lore are comments in herbal texts related to removing a hurried feeling, having a calming effect on the nerves and the heart, and being a mood brightener. In other words, hawthorn was used to support the heart both physically and emotionally. In Celtic Lore, hawthorn was believed to have the power to put people to sleep, though this has not been something that’s ever been studied in humans. Hawthorn research has focused primarily on the cardiovascular system and supports hawthorn having restorative benefits when taken over time. While not nearly as researched for relaxation, mood and sleep, available research, mostly done in animals, or combined with one or more other ingredients, have been supportive of these traditional uses. Hawthorn’s main bioactive components are flavonoids, particularly oligomeric proanthocyanidins, vitexin-2 rhamnoside and hyperoside.*


Hawthorn leaf and flower extract is a standardized extract, containing a minimum of 1.8% vitexin-2 rhamnoside and hyperoside, and a minimum of 1.2% flavonoids, calculated as hyperoside. Supplied by EUROMED S.A., a leading producer of premium standardized herbal extracts. EUROMED extracts are in compliance with worldwide GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) norms, international pharmacopoeias and international regulations.

Hawthorn leaf and flower extract is Non-GMO and Vegan.


Hawthorn extracts are generally thought to be dose-dependent, with 160 to 900 mg of a standardized extract being the commonly used dose range. For many ingredients that are dose-dependent, response does not go up in a straight line. Instead, responses tend to be more S-shaped, with much of the benefits occurring within a narrow range, typically towards the lower-to-middle of the overall dosing range (see Neurohacker Dosing Principles). In general, when used in generally healthy adults, especially for reasons related to hawthorn’s traditional uses for stress, nervousness, mental well-being and sleep, our preference is to use doses at or close to the lower end of the range. If used for specific heart health reasons, higher doses may be preferred.*


Supports brain function*

Supports cognitive functions [1–3]

Supports neuroprotective functions [1,4,5]

Supports brain antioxidant defenses [1,5]

Downregulates acetylcholinesterase (AChE) [1,6]

Supports healthy mood and well-being*

Supports a calm mood [7–10]

Supports healthy cardiovascular function*

Supports healthy cardiovascular function [7,11,12]

Supports cardiovascular stem/progenitor cells [13]

Supports healthy immune system function*

Supports adaptive immunity [14,15]

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.


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[7]A.F. Walker, G. Marakis, A.P. Morris, P.A. Robinson, Phytotherapy Research 16 (2002) 48–54.

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[10]O.D. Can, U.D. Ozkay, N. Oztürk, Y. Oztürk, Pharm. Biol. 48 (2010) 924–931.

[11]N. Idris-Khodja, C. Auger, E. Koch, V.B. Schini-Kerth, Phytomedicine 19 (2012) 699–706.

[12]A.I.A. Al-Gareeb, Mustansiriya Medical Journal 11 (2012) 52–57.

[13]J. Halver, K. Wenzel, J. Sendker, C. Carrillo García, C.A.J. Erdelmeier, E. Willems, M. Mercola, N. Symma, S. Könemann, E. Koch, A. Hensel, D. Schade, Front. Pharmacol. 10 (2019) 1357.

[14]M. Lis, M. Szczypka, A. Suszko-Pawłowska, A. Sokół-Łętowska, A. Kucharska, B. Obmińska-Mrukowicz, Planta Med. 86 (2020) 160–168.

[15]X. Tan, Z. Sun, Z. Huang, C. Zhou, H. Lin, L. Tan, P. Xun, Q. Huang, Fish Shellfish Immunol. 70 (2017) 656–664.