Pomanox® Pomegranate Fruit Extract




Supports antioxidant defenses *

Supports skin health and healthy skin aging *

Supports maintenance of cognitive health *

Supports exercise recovery *


Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a fruit-bearing tree native to the region extending from Iran to Northern India and Afghanistan. It has been cultivated since ancient times throughout the Mediterranean region, Middle East and South Asia. Pomegranate is known for its fruit, a round berry with a thick peel filled with arils with seeds. The name pomegranate derives from medieval Latin pōmum “apple” and grānātum “seeded”—a single pomegranate can have 200-1400 arils and seeds. The fruit ripens and can be found in markets in the Northern Hemisphere from October to February. The arils have a deep red color resulting from their high polyphenol content. The peel is also rich in polyphenols and other bioactive phytochemicals. This high polyphenolic content, which includes flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, and ellagitannins, gives pomegranate potent antioxidant activity. Pomegranate is particularly rich in ellagitannins, which are a specific type of polyphenol that release ellagic acid upon chemical breakdown in the gut. Ellagitannins and ellagic acid have poor bioavailability, but they can be metabolized by the gut microbiota to form urolithins such as urolithin A, which are more bioavailable. Ellagitannins, through ellagic acid and its metabolites, are potent antioxidants and modulators of cellular signaling pathways involved in healthy aging and immune system function.* Punicalagins and punicalins are the major types of ellagitannins in pomegranate. Punicalagin is the largest known polyphenol and is responsible for most of pomegranate’s antioxidant potential [1–4].


Pomanox® is a patented extract of pomegranate whole fruit standardized to contain not less than 30% Punicalagins (A+B) and Punicalins (A+B). 

Pomanox® is produced from pomegranates cultivated in Mediterranean regions of Spain through sustainable farming, under strict quality control of the raw material and with a green and eco-friendly proprietary technology: The Pure-Hydro ProcessTM, based on ultrapure-water-only extraction.

Pomanox® is supplied by Euromed, a leading producer of premium standardized herbal extracts.

Pomanox® is non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan, Kosher, and Halal certified.

Pomanox® is a trademark of Euromed USA, Inc.


In clinical studies, the dose of pomegranate extract used has ranged between about 100-1000 mg, with the dose used depending upon the concentration of pomegranate polyphenols in the extract and whether an extract has been used alone or with other ingredients. A pomegranate extract providing about 10 mg of ellagitannins has been used in combination with a resveratrol-containing grape extract for skin health support [5]. Since this extract is standardized for the amount of punicalagins (A+B) and punicalins (A+B), dosing is designed to deliver an amount of these ellagitannins in a range consistent with research and with the dosing range used when pomegranate extract is combined with a grape extract. While pomegranate is a food, because the extract we use is standardized for ellagitannins, and polyphenols tend to follow hormetic dosing principles (see Neurohacker Dosing Principles), we believe doses toward the middle to lower end of the dosing range, especially when combined with other flavonoid-containing ingredients, are sufficient to support healthy function.*


Supports mitochondrial function*

Supports mitochondrial function [6–18]

Supports ATP production [11,12]

Supports mitochondrial gene expression [7,11]

Supports peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1 alpha (PGC-1α) signaling [11,19]

Supports mitochondrial biogenesis [18]

Supports electron transport chain [11,15,19]

Supports mitochondrial membrane potential [12,13]

Supports mitophagy [9,20]

Supports mitochondrial antioxidant defenses and counters ROS production [13,15,17]

Supports brain function and cognition*

Supports memory [21–23]

Supports brain activation [22]

Supports maintenance of cognitive health [24–27]

Influences acetylcholinesterase activity [28–30]

Supports synaptic function [31]

Supports neuroprotection [6,25,26,29–35]

Supports brain antioxidant defenses and counters oxidative stress [19,28,30,33]

Influences neural immune signaling [31,33,36]

Supports BDNF levels [29]

Supports neural ATP production [33]

Supports skin health*

Supports skin in adapting to environmental stress [16,37–44]

Supports skin smoothness [41,43]

Supports skin hydration [41]

Supports healthy melanin production and healthy pigmentation [45,46]

Supports skin immune function [40]

Supports the skin microbiota [13]

Supports healthy extracellular matrix physiology (MMP activity) [41–45,47–49]

Supports collagen production [41,43,48]

Supports hyaluronan synthesis/content [41,45]

Supports DNA integrity and repair [16,40,47]

Supports skin antioxidant defenses and counters ROS production and oxidative stress [16,40–44,49]

Supports Nrf2 signaling and phase II detox enzyme production [16,44]

Influences immune signaling [40–42,45,50]

Supports a healthy gut microbiota*

Supports a healthy gut microbiota [51–53]

Promotes exercise performance*

Supports exercise performance [54,55]

Supports muscle function [20]

Supports exercise recovery [56–58]

Promotes healthy aging and longevity*

Supports maintenance of healthy blood pressure [59,60]

Supports maintenance of healthy blood lipid levels [27,60,61]

Supports plasma antioxidant capacity and counters oxidative stress [22,60–64]

Influences immune signaling [60,61,65]

Supports autophagy [9,31]

Supports mTOR signaling [31]

Supports AMP-Activated Protein Kinase (AMPK) signaling [8,10]

Supports Nrf2 signaling and phase II detox enzyme production [8,12,14,16]

Supports lifespan extension (Caenorhabditis elegans) [20]

Complementary ingredients*

Grape extract and resveratrol in supporting skin health and antioxidant capacity [5]

Turmeric to support muscle recovery from exercise [66]

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.


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