VINEATROL®20 Grapevine Extract


Common Grapevine


Supports healthy aging*

Supports cognitive function*

Supports mood*

Supports antioxidant defenses*


Vineatrol®20 is a grapevine shoot extract rich in resveratrol monomers and oligomers. Resveratrol is best known as a calorie restriction mimetic (i.e., supports healthy aging functions), and for supporting metabolism, heart health, immunity, and cognition. Resveratrol derivatives have been the subject of thousands of pre-clinical and clinical research studies. While trans-resveratrol is the most studied of the resveratrol derivative family, some of the other resveratrol derivatives may have structure/function benefits not shared by trans-resveratrol, which could be more potent than trans-resveratrol for certain functions, and tend to be complementary when given together. In other words, there’s a complementarity in the mix of resveratrol derivatives that naturally occur in the grape plant. This complementarity has shown up in experiments done on Vineatrol®,  where it was a stronger antioxidant than resveratrol alone and a more potent sirtuin 1 (Sirt-1) activator than a resveratrol dimer. But what exactly are resveratrol monomers and oligomers? Trans-resveratrol is an example of a resveratrol monomer—a monomer is a molecule that can be bonded to other identical molecules—so think of it as one unit of resveratrol. Trans-ε-viniferin is a resveratrol dimer, which means it’s two identical resveratrol molecules bound together into an oligomer: Think of it as two units of resveratrol. But there are quite a few other resveratrol derivatives in the resveratrol oligomer family, since up to eight resveratrol molecules can couple together. The advantage of Vineatrol®20 is that it is standardized to contain at least 20% of these different resveratrols.*


Vineatrol®20 is a grapevine shoot extract from Vitis vinifera (i.e., the common grapevine) grown and harvested in the famous Bordeaux vineyards.

Vineatrol®20 is triple standardized for: (1) trans-resveratrol >5%; (2) trans-ε-viniferin >5%; and (3) total resveratrol monomers and oligomers >20% (hence the 20 in the name). 

Vineatrol®20 is a registered trademark of ACTICHEM, a French company specializing in the development of resveratrol and resveratrol derivatives extracted from grapevines.

Vineatrol®20 is Non-GMO and Vegan.


When thinking about the dose of Vineatrol®20 there are a few things to keep in mind. This grapevine extract has been standardized to contain at least 5% trans-resveratrol and not less than 20% resveratrol monomers and oligomers. When we include this extract in a formulation it’s because we want to give a range of resveratrol monomers and oligomers (not just trans-resveratrol). Focusing only on the trans-resveratrol content misses the big picture. The other thing to keep in mind is that resveratrols are not examples of more is better compounds. They are better thought of as a hormetic; something that in low to moderate amounts helps promote an adaptive response to stress, but which might not be as beneficial at very high doses especially if taken long-term (see Neurohacker Dosing Principles). Our goal with Vineatrol®20, as with all ingredient choices, is to select the appropriate dose keeping in mind both the ingredient and the other ingredients being used in a formulation. In other words, if we are also supplying other extracts with complimentary polyphenols, we are likely to use less than if the only polyphenol-containing ingredient we were using was Vineatrol®20. Lastly, while high amounts of trans-resveratrol have been studied, when used as part of a grape extract, the amount of resveratrol in studies has typically been less than 10 mg and as low as 1 mg.*



Supports brain function*

Supports cerebral blood flow [1–4]

Supports neural stem cell functions [5,6]

Supports neurogenesis [5–7]

Supports brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) [7–18]

Supports HPA axis signaling [13,18]

Supports neuroprotective functions [10,18–21]

Supports executive function [2,22]

Supports learning and memory (animals) [14,15,17,23]

Supports healthy cardiovascular function*

Supports healthy vascular function [24–27]

Supports cardiac function [28]

Promotes exercise performance*

Supports endurance performance  [29]

Supports muscle structure and function [30,31]

Supports glucose uptake in muscles [28]

Supports healthy metabolic function*

Supports healthy insulin sensitivity [26,29,32–36]

Supports healthy lipid levels [29,32,37]

Supports thermogenesis [29]

Supports adiponectin levels [37]

Supports mitochondrial structure and function*

Supports peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1 alpha (PGC-1α) [29,30,32–34,37–39]

Supports nuclear transcriptional factors of mitochondrial biogenesis (nuclear respiratory factor-1 [NRF1], NRF2, mitochondrial transcription factor A [TFAM]) [29,30,39,40]

Supports mitochondrial size and number [29,33]

Supports inner mitochondrial membrane folding (cristae) [29]

Supports mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) [29,30,34]

Supports mitochondrial membrane potential [30]

Supports citrate synthase [29,32]

Supports ATP production [30,39]

Supports NAD+ pool [30,34,41]

Supports components of the electron transport chain - complex I-V [30]

Supports β-oxidation [29,37,41,42]

Supports signaling pathways*

Supports AMPK signaling [30,32–35,37,39,41,43]

Supports liver kinase B1 (LKB1) signaling [30,39]

Supports peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα) [29]

Supports peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) [37]

Supports estrogen-related receptor alpha (ERRα) [29,34]

Supports forkhead transcription factor O 1 (FOXO1) [37]

Downregulates phosphodiesterase (PDE) 1 and 4  and supports adenylate cyclase/cAMP levels [41,44]

Supports antioxidant defenses*

Supports antioxidant activity [21,34,36,37,40,41,45,46]

Supports antioxidant enzymes [24,25]

Supports a healthy gut microbiota*

Supports a healthy gut microbiota composition [47–53]

Promotes healthy aging and longevity* 

Supports stem cells [54–66]

Supports telomerase activity [54–56,67,68]

Supports anti-senescence functions [55,56,61,68]

Supports SIRT1 [30,32,37,38,40,43,69,70]

Supports mitochondrial uncoupling proteins UCP1, UCP2, and UCP3 [29,34]

Supports Klotho [40,70]

Supports mTOR signaling [33]

Supports lifespan extension (mice on high-calorie diet, Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [27,33,69,71,72] 

Supports circadian rhythms*

Supports circadian rhythms [73–76]

Supports clock gene expression [73,76]

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.


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