Collective Insights Blog

Our Favorite Biohacks For an Optimized Mind and Body

Each year we research the latest neurohacking and biohacking trends and when we find a technique or tool that holds promise of increasing peak performance, we test that hack in our daily lives and we're excited to share these tried and tested biohacks with you.

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Morning Routines of Leaders: Habits from the Founders of Neurohacker

We asked the founder's of Neurohacker Collective, "What is your morning routine?" because our morning routine (or lack thereof) tends to make or break our whole day. The most successful people have the habits that keep them consistently on track towards what is most meaningful to them. Starting the day off with positive habits creates a ripple effect through the whole day. 

We wanted to give you a glimpse into the morning routine of our very own at Neurohacker Collective, our co-founders Jordan Hall and James Schmachtenberger. Everyone benefits from a routine unique to them that contributes towards their own version of success. We hope the routines from these leaders inspire you to create your own habits to provide clarity and all-day focus, so you can tackle the tasks in your life with purpose.

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Eight Healthy Morning Habits to Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally Start Your Day

Find a successful person and you will find a structured morning routine.

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QUALIA MIND ESSENTIALS: The Building of a Comprehensive Cognitive Support Stack

Qualia Mind Essentials was designed by taking into account key neural pathways and processes. It contains nootropic compounds, neuro vitamins, amino acids, choline donors, and herbal adaptogens. Each ingredient has stand-alone actions; they can also have additive or synergistic actions when combined, complementing each other in support of a particular cognitive pathway or process.

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5 Science-Backed Ways To Hack Your Health

Join us as we explore interval workouts for longevity, how aromatherapy impacts food cravings, the link between mitochondrial fitness and mental health, and why your brain is begging for a little downtime in this edition of Neurohacking Advancements. 

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Online Education: An Exploration of 7 Websites to Fuel Your Mind

Get ready to fuel your mind with seven of our favorite resources in the form of websites, companies, programs and even apps that should be on your neurohacking radar!

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What is Neurogenesis? Definition, Mechanisms, and its Role in Brain Plasticity

Neuroplasticity, the nervous system's adaptive capabilities to change itself over a lifetime, is a fascinating subject. Join us as we dive deep into the science behind neuroplasticity, the role environment and behavior plays in the neurogenesis process, and how to support the biochemical processes that drive neurogenesis.

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Qualia Nootropics: The Complex Intelligence Behind Their Formulation

Qualia nootropics were designed to promote a sustained improvement across the whole pallet of objective capacities and subjective states that contribute to optimized, creative, productive flow states. This goal required factoring many creative-productive capacities simultaneously. 

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What is Acetylcholine? An Exploration of the Cholinergic system — Functions, Neurochemistry and Support

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator (i.e., a messenger molecule released by nerve cells to signal and regulate other nerve cells). It plays important roles in cognitive function, most notably, in the neural mechanisms of memory. In addition to this memory function, acetylcholine is involved in supporting alertness, attention, and learning. It is also responsible for the neuromuscular junction. It helps skeletal muscle contract and has many health benefits.

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Technology for Neurohackers & Biohackers: Tools Designed to Upgrade the Mind, Brain and Body

From air and water filters, to therapy lights, to exercise tools this list has a little of everything for neurohackers.

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3 Key Health Benefits of Vitamin B6 as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P5P)

Many people who are health conscious have likely heard of the benefits you can get from vitamin B6. Including vitamin B6 in your diet is relatively easy as you can find it in foods such as bread, pork, fish, eggs, and wholegrain cereals. These foods, however, may have depleted amounts of vitamin B6, in part because food preparation can lower that amount. Food that is frozen, canned, cooked, or processed usually leads to a lower level of vitamin B6 that you would get otherwise, so other dietary strategies should be pursued. For that reason, many people are choosing to include pyridoxal-5-phosphate (P5P) as part of their diet.

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How Music, Art & Neurotech Create Altered States of Consciousness

This is part 3 in a 3 part series exploring tools and practices reviewed in Stealing Fire, all designed to shift your state of consciousness and unlock new realms of human possibility. We’ve already covered ways to reprogram our psychology and tweak our neurobiology.

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Neurohacking Technologies to Radically Upgrade Mental Performance

Neurohacking is the deliberate use of technology to upgrade the functioning of our brain and nervous system in every way to affects our conscious experience.

At Neurohacker Collective, we’re mapping the landscape of all the tools and technologies that radically improve mental wellbeing and performance.

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Psychobiotics: Bacteria to Brighten your Mood

Just about every civilization throughout history has practiced some form of neurohacking - deliberately upgrading their physiologies to positively affect their mind and psyche. The consumption of probiotic rich and fermented foods, for example, goes back over 10,000 years.

Today, the emerging field of human microbiome research has indicated that gut microbiota may play an important role in influencing brain development, behavior, and mood in humans.

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Using Psychedelics to Increase Performance and Reprogram the Mind/Brain Interface

If neurohacking is about upgrading the hardware our consciousness runs on, we would be remiss not to mention these technologies of altered states.

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Psychobiotics & the Gut-Brain Connection

Neurohacking is all about using the right tool for the job.  While racetams and transcranial stimulators more directly interface with our brain and neurochemistry, there are other less obvious ways to impact our psychological well-being and subjective experience.

Chief among these is by getting familiar with the gut, and understanding the relationship between its microbes and our brain function and mental health.

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