Collective Insights Blog

Why Happiness Eludes Us...For Now

    It is an imperative of both morality and self-preservation to improve our circumstances. British philosopher David Pearce’s 1995 work The Hedonistic Imperative speaks to this outrageous scope of suffering not so much being a condition of modernity, but more so a condition of being human.

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Psychobiotics: Bacteria to Brighten your Mood

Just about every civilization throughout history has practiced some form of neurohacking - deliberately upgrading their physiologies to positively affect their mind and psyche. The consumption of probiotic rich and fermented foods, for example, goes back over 10,000 years.

Today, the emerging field of human microbiome research has indicated that gut microbiota may play an important role in influencing brain development, behavior, and mood in humans.

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Psychobiotics & the Gut-Brain Connection

Neurohacking is all about using the right tool for the job.  While racetams and transcranial stimulators more directly interface with our brain and neurochemistry, there are other less obvious ways to impact our psychological well-being and subjective experience.

Chief among these is by getting familiar with the gut, and understanding the relationship between its microbes and our brain function and mental health.

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