In our analysis of the market, we did not find any other products that had the combination of ingredients or comprehensiveness of Qualia Skin. While some of the ingredients may be found in other skin products, we believe that Qualia Skin is unique in its approach to skin aging, health, and appearance: (1) It’s loaded with skin antioxidants; (2) it’s a really concentrated food to feed the skin right, containing 7 skin superfruits and 5 other skin foods; (3) it has 7 fermented minerals; (4) it uses a unique blend of plant extracts and nutrients to support the production of the collagen and elastin proteins needed to support skin firmness and elasticity, (5) it includes plant extracts to support skin hydration, and (6) we included a number of skin ingredients that also support a healthy brain (we are Neurohackers after all).