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How should I take Qualia Life?

How much water should I drink with Qualia Life?

We recommend drinking Qualia Life with water and drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day, especially during the first week. One of the ingredients—creatine (as tricreatine malate)—is believed to pull water into cells. Because of this, it’s important to stay hydrated while taking Qualia Life.

The Qualia Life sachets are designed to be mixed with water, but can be used in smoothies, added to juices, or mixed into other drinks, depending on your personal taste and preferences. Similar to the capsules, it’s a good idea to make sure you mix it with at least a full 8 ounces of water or other fluids.

Should I take Qualia Life with or without food?

In general, we recommend taking Qualia Life with food. Some of the ingredients are fat-soluble, so taking them with food, especially if it contains at least a small amount of fat or oil, would be expected to help with absorption. It’s fine to take it a bit before eating the food (or drinking a smoothie), in the middle, or a bit after eating. Digestion doesn’t happen all at once.

Is it OK to take Qualia Life in a fasted state?

We've had lots of people take Qualia Life in the morning without food—Dr. Greg, the Neurohacker Collective Director of Product Development, has done this and knows many people who have. Only a few of the ingredients are fat-soluble (CoQ10 and Vitamin K2) and would be expected to be better absorbed with fat, but most of the ingredients won't be impacted. If you are drinking Bulletproof coffee in the morning, taking Qualia Life with or soon after that would give you plenty of fat for better absorbing the CoQ10 as an example. And, we'd consider it completely fine to take earlier in the day without food if that's more convenient for you.

What time of day Is best to take Qualia Life?

We recommend taking Qualia Life in the morning as opposed to dinner because things taken at dinner, in our experience, have a much more individual impact on sleep, while taking them in the morning seems to be more forgiving and they don't disrupt sleep (sleep quality has improved for quite a few people taking Qualia Life in the morning or lunch but we haven't studied this for dinner dosing). Qualia Life doesn't have any caffeine but does have about 6 mg of theobromine from the cocoa extract. Theobromine is usually not experienced as alerting in the same way caffeine is, especially at this low a dose. So, the bottom line is there's no reason we know of to avoid taking Qualia Life with dinner, but if you do, pay attention to your sleep to make sure the timing is working for you.

More Frequently Asked Questions

Why don’t you use nicotinamide ribose or nicotinamide mononucleotide?

Nicotinamide riboside and nicotinamide mononucleotide are newer (and very expensive) dietary ingredients used to boost NAD+. Boosting NAD+ is not unique to these newer ingredients. It’s the defining characteristic that makes a compound a vitamin B3. The niacin equivalents—niacin (nicotinic acid; NA) and niacinamide (NAM)—boost NAD+. L-tryptophan is also a precursor for NAD+. We included both NA and NAM, as well as L-tryptophan, because these ingredients can be used to make NAD+ and this approach supports three different ways of making it. Redundancy is a core value within complex systems science and something we look for when formulating our products.

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What should I do if I notice a side-effect and think it might be because of this product?

One of the interesting things found in studies is that placebos can have positive effects … and unwanted effects. The common side-effects seen from placebos match what are found in studies of dietary supplements and what we saw in our tolerability testing. 

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Differences between Qualia Life and Qualia Mind?

Qualia Life was designed to make your cells and mitochondria (the powerhouses of cells) work better. When your cells and mitochondria are able to do their jobs better, we look, feel, and perform better.

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What are the ingredients in Qualia Life?

For the full list of the ingredients in Qualia Life, why they were chosen, and the research behind them, please review our formulation section.

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What is Qualia Life?

What is Eternus?

Eternus was designed to make your cells and mitochondria (the powerhouses of cells) work better. When your cells and mitochondria are able to do their jobs better, we look, feel, and perform better.

Eternus was formulated to comprehensively support the multiple interacting metabolic pathways, signaling processes, and cellular mechanisms of long-term healthy function. Better cells and mitochondrial function translates into more high-performing days and longer healthy years.

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Do I need to take the full dose of Qualia Life?

In general, we recommend taking the full dose. The full dose provides the studied amounts of many of the ingredients (this is an important part of being able to make accurate structure/function claims) and is the dose we designed the formulation to deliver and have studied in our testing.

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Where is the Eternus Drink Mix?
Instructions for Qualia Life

Qualia Life effects are dose-dependent, varying with body weight, general sensitivity and desired level of effect. 

The standard dose for most people is 8 capsules. Take Qualia Life first thing in the morning, with food. 

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How should I get started with Qualia Life?

A good strategy, when starting anything new, is to start slow and gradually working your way up. This takes advantage of the body’s adaptive capacities and minimizes chances of poor response. Exercise is a great example of this. When starting a new exercise routine, the tendency is to want to do a lot right away. But this increases chances of having very sore muscles or getting injured. So, it’s better to start conservatively and slowly do more as your body gets accustomed to the new routine.

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Can I take Qualia Life in addition to one of the Qualia products?

Yes you can take Qualia Life with Qualia Mind, Qualia Focus or Qualia Nootropic Energy. 

When we designed Qualia Life, we did so understanding people would take it with one of the other Qualia nootropic products. 

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